Keeping your home cool in the heat

Here we are, another heat wave!

Rising and sustained temperatures along with stifling humidity can bring on the summertime struggles. During peak times of sweating in the heat, you want your house to be a cool, comfortable retreat, not a sweltering prison.

On days like these, a good air conditioner can save the day. So here are several tips to make sure your air conditioning unit is working efficiently and effectively:

  • Be sure your air conditioner is properly sized for your home.

  • Avoid air conditioning unused rooms.

  • Ensure that your air ducts are properly sealed and insulated.

  • Clean your air conditioner's air filter at least once a month to increase the air flow.

A well-functioning air conditioner is great for surviving the summer heat. But constantly keeping one running uses a lot of energy and raises monthly electric bills. To cut down on energy usage, it's a good idea to have a few alternatives for beating the heat. Here are a few ideas for staying cool in your home during the summer without air conditioning:

  1. Cook your meals outside on a grill instead of preparing food with an indoor stove or oven.

  2. Open the windows and let the cooler nighttime air in before you go to bed.

  3. Turn on bathroom fans after you take a shower and turn on the exhaust fan in your kitchen after you cook. This will blow away the hot air that is created by both activities.

  4. Unplug your electronics when they are not in use. Even if they are turned off, your gadgets will produce heat when they are plugged in.

  5. Refrain from using appliances like dishwashers until cooler parts of the day.

  6. Be creative and experiment with fans. Try facing box fans out the windows so they push away hot air, or make a DIY air conditioner by placing a pan or bowl of ice in front of a fan.

  7. Turn off the lights as often as you can. Light bulbs give off heat, so try to use them minimally and take advantage of summer's longer daylight hours.

Stay cool and try and beat the heat!